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This Section of the DiT-ENT website will be continually updated with the latest, relevant, news relating  to Kenya and digital transformation.

Using Mobile Phones

Project Partner Meeting between Mr. Chelugui, Kenyan Minister of Co-operatives and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development (MSME) (centre) Dr Paul Quantock, The 4Civility Institute (Ireland) (right) and Abdiaziz Elmi Yusuf, Savanna Initiatives (Kenya) (left)

MSMEs play a critical role in Kenya’s economicdevelopment and employment creation. The KenyaNational Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) indicates thatthere are over 7.4 million MSMEs in the country, whichemploy approximately 14.9 million Kenyans in varioussectors of the economy and contribute approximately40% of the GDP. In addition, the MSMEs cover awide range of activities in almost all sectors of theeconomy and therefore are a major engine of inclusiveeconomic growth. it is paramount to prioritize the needs and existingchallenges for the MSME sector.


The insights, data and recommendations from this report will inform new or existing areas of support for MSMEs and will be a critical knowledge source for programming and strategy across all sectors engaging with and supporting MSMEs in Kenya.

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